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#231   + (13) - [X]

Tagged: submission, consent, control, dynamic, illusion

The Power exchange that occurs within a D/s dynamic is essentially an illussion! The submissive always retains the power of consent, and the only power the Dominant truly has are those gifted to them by their submissive, and only within the confines of that negotiagted dynamic. -- Father Mark (

#230   + (39) - [X]

Tagged: possession, giving

"It's in giving yourself that you possess yourself" -- Louise Andreas-Salomé

#229   + (64) - [X]

Tagged: slavery, master, slave, gift

A Master has to master the mind of His slave and not to torment her body - only then He's worth the most precious gift that was given to Him - the slave herself! -- Sir Peter Mclaughlin

#228   + (9) - [X]

Tagged: masochism, sadism, transformation

In the absence of light there is only darkness and in the eyes of a True Sadist pleasure and pain are one in same. It is through pain that the True Sadist is Born and thrives, be it through the creation of physical, emotional. It is in this that One finds Their greatest joy. It is though the discovery of the pleasure of pain, the knowlage that it is His pleasure that a masochist is born and thrives. With Me, Sadism is not an area where there is grey, things are either black or white -- DarkSadistLust

#227   + (24) - [X]

Tagged: love, suffer, understanding

To suffer in love is to completely understand it. 

-- Dr. Justin Hale

#226   + (3) - [X]

Tagged: passions, unknown, awakening

The darkest passions lie dormant inside all of us; waiting, sweltering and pulsing with our every breath. It is up to awaken, mold and stimulate them.

-- unknown

#225   + (2) - [X]


When a su -- Desmond Ravenstone

#224   + (37) - [X]

Tagged: collars, poetry

And, graven with diamonds, in letters plain/There is written her fair neck round about:/"Noli me tangere", for Caesar's I am;/And wild for to hold, though I seem tame. -- Petrarch

#223   + (21) - [X]

Tagged: submission, respect

True Submission & Servitude is not only a form of Respect, but your natural birthright vocation. It is an obligation of servitude, which you are bound to honour your Mistress.

-- Supreme Mistress Kajun

#222   + (10) - [X]

Tagged: power, influence, lady

Power is like being a lady. . . if you have to tell people you are, you aren't. -- Margaret Thatcher

#221   + (20) - [X]

Tagged: erotic

We tend to think of the erotic as an easy, tantalizing sexual arousal. I speak of the erotic as the deepest life force, a force which moves us toward living in a fundamental way. -- Audre Lorde

#220   + (11) - [X]

Tagged: tea, happiness

Tea! thou soft, thou sober, sage, and venerable liquid,... thou female tongue-running, smile-smoothing, heart-opening, wind-tippling cordial, to whose glorious insipidity I owe the happiest moment of my life, let me fall prostrate.  -- ~Colley Cibber, Lady's Last Stake

#219   + (2) - [X]

Tagged: sex, freedom, sex practices

I think people should be free to engage in any sexual practices they choose; they should draw the line at goats though. -- Elton John

#218   + (13) - [X]

Tagged: submission, woman, strength

The true strength of a woman is not measured by her compliance to
being shackled to a bed that becomes a fortress of solitude, but her
willingness to submit her very heart and very soul. -- Ron

#217   + (43) - [X]

Tagged: master

A mediocre Master tells, a good Master teaches, an excellent Master explains, but a True Master inspires -- Anonymous

#216   + (21) - [X]

Tagged: love, voice, silence

Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away; and all the things I want to say can find no voice. Then, in silence, I can only hope my eyes will speak my heart. -- Robert Sexton

#215   + (1) - [X]

Tagged: love, slavery, fear

I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave. -- From the movie Labryinth -- David Bowie

#214   + (61) - [X]

Tagged: torture, pleasure, body

The body is both a pleasure palace and a torture chamber. -- Charles Levin

#213   + (35) - [X]

Tagged: bdsm, experience

You can read a hundred books and cruise a thousand websites and chatrooms, but it will not equal one hour of real-time BDSM experience. -- Sensuous Sadie

#212   + (16) - [X]

Tagged: submission, permission, right

You are no one's slave, dog, slut, or sub until you give them that right. Only you can give it. No one can take or assume it without your permission. -- Jack Rinella

#211   + (35) - [X]

Tagged: submission, power, humility

Submission can actually engender power: realizing that you have something to give, and that you are capable of mastering your own will to give it up the way your top wants it instead of the way you think S/He should want it, can inspire pride: not the false pride of an inflated ego, but the true pride that, like humility, comes from knowing the depths of your self. -- William Henkin

#210   + (120) - [X]

Tagged: woman, instinct, courage

I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous  demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman. -- Anais Nin

#208   + (26) - [X]

Tagged: fantasy, reality, nightmare

My fantasy became my reality, just before it became my nightmare -- D.J. Acrey

#207   + (33) - [X]

Tagged: whips, rhyme, chains, excitement, affection

Sticks and Stones may break my bones but Whips and Chains excite me. So slam me up and throw me down and show me that you like me! -- Unknown

#206   + (28) - [X]

Tagged: confidence, knowledge, awareness

Know who and what you are and be confident in that. -- yourdesireismine

#205   + (24) - [X]

Tagged: chain, collar, binds

There is a chain that binds U/us,
Me to him and him to me,
An end holds the collar, my hand holds an end,
If I tug, he'll feel the pull,
But if he tugs, I'll feel it too...

-- Kalani Dagger

#204   + (45) - [X]

Tagged: submission

Submission is not about being used, submission is about being of use. submission is not about what is done to you, submission is about what you do for others " "Strong men simply need women. This will never be understood by weak men. A strong man needs a woman at his feet, who is truly his. Anything else is less than his fulfillment. -- Unknown

#203   + (62) - [X]

Tagged: slave, serve, always

The wonder of being a slave, as you put it, isn't that we serve when it suits us but rather that we serve always. -- Unknown

#202   + (-26) - [X]

Tagged: slavery, path, crawling

The path to slavery is so narrow that two cannot walk upon it at the same time, hence why the slave must crawl behind. -- Unknown

#201   + (39) - [X]

Tagged: bdsm, religious doctrine, opposition

BDSM appears to stand in opposition to much religious doctrine (speaking primarily to the Christian doctrines here), and there are aspects on the extreme fringes that in fact are in opposition to direct religious teachings. I said 'appears' for a very good reason. In fact, a large percentage of the spiritual teachings parallel the basic premises of D/s. -- Mistress Steel

#200   + (23) - [X]

Tagged: master, slave, centered

How does a master center a slave? Being centered is a Zen term that means a person is balanced, calm, healthy, peaceful, grounded, nourished. Some might see it as a relaxed state, one of calm, creative, full of the realization of being well-off, in communion with one's self and one's environment… How does a master center a slave? He does it by creating, with his slave, a right relationship, that is, one in which each is free to be him or herself; one with openness, honesty, and clarity of purpose. Centering comes from having a clear focus, mutual support, encouragement, and purpose. -- Jack Rinella

#199   + (81) - [X]

Tagged: calling, slave, vocation

Slavehood is a vocation, comparable and equal in every way to any religious calling. -- J. Mikael Togneri

#198   + (1) - [X]

Tagged: submission, masochism, gifts, power exchange

A submissive washing dishes for his dominant, knowing that each soap bubble, each swirl of water is a gift, an honoring, may feel the humming resonance of a hunger, partially satisfied, deep in his spirit. A domme, caught up in the meditative precision of tying each knot precisely *so*, may feel an echo of cathedral walls around her, each motion guiding her, and those around her closer to the God they seek. A masochist, floating in the scintillations of painwaves as the whip falls against her time and time again, may begin to feel their cadence as the cadence of prayer. A hesitant sadist may, with the first hissing of his partner's breath, begin to understand the transformative power he wields with his strap. -- Unknown

#197   + (28) - [X]

Tagged: submission, spiritual, nature, symbiotic

A slave submits primarily to her own nature… That she requires a material, extrovert focus for her submission, i.e. the dominant, does not alter the fact that on the spiritual level her submission is essentially introverted. One could say that through the dominant she submits to herself by proxy… Each makes the other possible, tied together as they are in symbiotic interdependence. -- J. Mikael Togneri

#196   + (-26) - [X]

Tagged: power exchange, Dom Space, transcendence

This notion is at least one explanation of what we call the power exchange. It is also the reason that so many of us feel the sharp focus of illumination as we come away from a successful scene. DomSpace is less physical than the experience of subspace and considerably subtler, but it is every bit as powerful as the experience of subspace. So, what we are after in this exceptional act of passion and cruelty we call a scene is that oneness, that transcendence which is the same goal as religion, which is the same goal as vanilla sex. -- Rick Umbaugh

#195   + (-3) - [X]

Tagged: submission, ritual, sex, sacrament

The BDSM ritual may be predominantly sexual in expression, however the goal is not gratification per se, but ecstasy. BDSM is, above and beyond a physical need, the psyche's effort to make sex a sacrament. Only through the understanding and acceptance of the sacramental value of submission will slavehood be true. By the same token, of course, it also becomes holy. -- J. Mikael Togneri

#194   + (40) - [X]

Tagged: wisdom, lead, mind

If he is indeed wise, he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind. -- Kahlil Gibran

#193   + (-10) - [X]

Tagged: edge, explanation

The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. -- Hunter S. Thompson

#192   + (77) - [X]

Tagged: service, unseen

The noblest service comes from nameless hands, And the best servant does his work unseen. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes

#191   + (10) - [X]

Tagged: intention, expectation

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be. -- Douglas Adams

#190   + (88) - [X]

Tagged: sex, life, attractive, philosophy, value

Tell me what a man finds sexually attractive and I will tell you his entire philosophy of life. Show me the woman he sleeps with and I will tell you his valuation of himself..... The man who is proudly certain of his own value, will want the highest type of woman he can find, the woman he admires, the strongest, the hardest to conquer--because only the possession of a heroine will give him the sense of an achievement, not the possession of a brainless slut. -- Ayn Rand

#189   + (38) - [X]

Tagged: discipline, wisdom, fools

Fools despise wisdom and discipline. -- Proverbs 1:7

#188   + (108) - [X]

Tagged: responsibility, control, trust, worth

To have someone give you control of their bodies and minds,
to be entrusted with the responsibility to take care of them,
to have someone willing to suffer for you,
to forsake pride and dignity to please you...
what other gift in this world can possibility equate to that?
And more importantly, what makes you worthy to receive it? -- Anonymous

#187   + (3) - [X]

Tagged: service, life, worth

Only a life lived in the service to others is worth living. -- Albert Einstein

#186   + (27) - [X]

Tagged: service, good, nature, peace, success

If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day. -- Alex Noble

#185   + (-14) - [X]

Tagged: life, dream, imagined

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined. -- Henry David Thoreau

#184   + (1) - [X]

Tagged: trust, live

As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

#183   + (114) - [X]

Tagged: love, ownership, soul, yours

All my soul follows you, love encircles you and I live in being yours. -- Robert Browning

#182   + (65) - [X]

Tagged: service, worth, price, work, self-sacrifice

For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice--no paper currency, no promises to pay, but the gold of real service. -- John Burroughs

#180   + (42) - [X]

Tagged: dominance, consent, bottom, job

The number one job of the dominant is to continually seduce consent
from the bottom. -- Joseph Bean

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