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#102   + (-10) - [X]

Tagged: orgasm, fake, failure, injustice

Women fake orgasm if they really care about the man because they don't want him to feel a sense of failure. I think it's really a kind thing that women do. But they're probably doing themselves an injustice, because probably, if they could get over it, if they didn't fake it, and they learned how to relax, they would probably have their orgasm. Some men aren't good enough to give it to you. -- Annie Flanders

#90   + (13) - [X]

Tagged: woman, man, clothes, fantasies

What a man enjoys about a woman's clothes are his fantasies of how she would look without them. -- Brendan Francis

#108   + (23) - [X]

Tagged: dream, pussy seems to make no difference how much the poor bastard actually gets, for he is dreaming about tomorrow's pussy even while pumping away at today's. -- Philip Roth

#182   + (63) - [X]

Tagged: service, worth, price, work, self-sacrifice

For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice--no paper currency, no promises to pay, but the gold of real service. -- John Burroughs

#164   + (-8) - [X]

Tagged: love, happiness

Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. -- Robert Heinlein

#184   + (1) - [X]

Tagged: trust, live

As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

#52   + (25) - [X]

Tagged: flogging, pleasure

Ultimately, the purpose of a flogging is to inflict pleasure. -- Mitch Kessler

#76   + (13) - [X]

Tagged: nature, crime

It is certainly no crime to depict the bizarre ideas that nature inspires. -- Marquis De Sade

#82   + (50) - [X]

Tagged: sex, arousal

Arousal is a miracle... Don't try to hide it. [It is] an unsolicited endorsement, a standing ovation, a spontaneous demonstration -- Playboy

#161   + (90) - [X]

Tagged: strength, confidence, time

I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time. -- Anna Freud

#179   + (17) - [X]

Tagged: breasts, whip, walk, undies

I now know how to walk around properly in my undies. People would keep telling me to push my tits out! I also now know how to use a whip on people without causing bruising. -- Billie Piper

#111   + (-34) - [X]

Tagged: kissing

What is this thing called a kiss? French, tongue, soul, chaste, motherly, fatherly, brotherly, sisterly, ass, genital, Judas, trembling, rough, hesitant, sweet, soft, wet, dying, fevered, good-night, farewell, burning, and chocolate. -- Gilbert Sorrentino

#200   + (25) - [X]

Tagged: master, slave, centered

How does a master center a slave? Being centered is a Zen term that means a person is balanced, calm, healthy, peaceful, grounded, nourished. Some might see it as a relaxed state, one of calm, creative, full of the realization of being well-off, in communion with one's self and one's environment… How does a master center a slave? He does it by creating, with his slave, a right relationship, that is, one in which each is free to be him or herself; one with openness, honesty, and clarity of purpose. Centering comes from having a clear focus, mutual support, encouragement, and purpose. -- Jack Rinella

#125   + (120) - [X]

Tagged: love, buttocks, penis

Yes, this was love, the ridiculous bounding of the buttocks and the wilding of the poor, insignificant moist little penis. -- D.H. Lawrence

#144   + (69) - [X]

Tagged: ritual, fear, pain, lust

There are rituals of lust and joy and pain and fear. These, forced to extremes, meld in the mind, and in that melding they may make or dissolve our egos, bodies, or spirits. -- Raven Greywalker (Lilith)

#215   + (3) - [X]

Tagged: love, slavery, fear

I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave. -- From the movie Labryinth -- David Bowie

#141   + (15) - [X]

Tagged: bottom, liberty

A 'working' bottom--one who is actively putting the Top's 'work' to joyful use--has liberty where he or she imagined limits. -- Joseph W. Bean

#174   + (-5) - [X]

Tagged: discipline, freedom, goal

Discipline gives total freedom; it allows you to go beyond limitations, to break through boundaries and reach the highest goal. -- Chidvilasananda

#193   + (-9) - [X]

Tagged: edge, explanation

The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. -- Hunter S. Thompson

#60   + (0) - [X]

Tagged: masochism, sadism

A masochist walked up to a sadist, and said 'Hurt me'. The sadist said 'No' and walked away. -- Unknown

#75   + (65) - [X]

Tagged: fear

Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. -- Frank Herbert

#71   + (38) - [X]

Tagged: woman, bitch

Sometimes, being a bitch is all a woman has. -- Stephen King

#223   + (19) - [X]

Tagged: submission, respect

True Submission & Servitude is not only a form of Respect, but your natural birthright vocation. It is an obligation of servitude, which you are bound to honour your Mistress.

-- Supreme Mistress Kajun

#53   + (80) - [X]

Tagged: sex, art, erotic, philosophical

BSDM is an erotic art which does not require conventional sex acts to explore and practice. That's my philosophical story, and I'm stickin' to it. -- Elizabeth

#8   + (-22) - [X]

Tagged: slavery, trainer

Everyone is a potential naked slave to you once you become a trainer. -- Anne Rice

#47   + (32) - [X]

Tagged: fear

'Come to the edge', he said.
They said, 'We are afraid'.
'Come to the edge', he said.
They came.
He pushed them...
And they flew. -- Guillaume Apollinaire

#139   + (100) - [X]

Tagged: woman, pedestal

The practice of putting women on pedestals began to die out when it was discovered that they could give orders better from there. -- Betty Grable

#126   + (12) - [X]

Tagged: sex

Sex contains all, bodies, souls,
Meanings, proofs, purities, delicacies, results, promulgations,
Songs, commands, health, pride, the maternal mystery, the seminal milk,
All hopes benefactions, bestowals, all the passions, loves, beauties, delights of the earth. -- Walt Whitman

#128   + (25) - [X]

Tagged: woman, protection, man, equal

Woman was created from Man's rib; Not made from His head to top Him; Nor from His feet to be trampled; But from His side to be His equal, Under His arm to be protected, And near His heart to be loved. -- Unknown

#218   + (14) - [X]

Tagged: submission, woman, strength

The true strength of a woman is not measured by her compliance to
being shackled to a bed that becomes a fortress of solitude, but her
willingness to submit her very heart and very soul. -- Ron

#129   + (94) - [X]

Tagged: sex, art

Narcissism is the art of looking in the mirror and saying 'Damn I'd like to have sex with me.' -- Anonymous

#50   + (-23) - [X]

Tagged: whipping, song

Sometimes I feel, like I've been tied to the whippin' post.
Oh Lord, I feel like I'm dying.
-- The Allman Brothers

#13   + (47) - [X]

Tagged: dominance, submission, will

Submission depends on the individual's ability to align his will with that of the dominant and use his intelligence to fulfill her wishes gracefully and efficiently. -- Christina Abernathy

#202   + (-20) - [X]

Tagged: slavery, path, crawling

The path to slavery is so narrow that two cannot walk upon it at the same time, hence why the slave must crawl behind. -- Unknown

#19   + (41) - [X]

Tagged: d/s

For me, D/s is a graded endeavor. There are definitive levels of achievement. There is an unacceptable level of performance. Effort is not enough to make the grade. -- Sir C

#89   + (17) - [X]

Tagged: love

You need somebody to love while you're looking for someone to love. -- Shelagh Delaney

#15   + (0) - [X]

Tagged: slavery, study, patience, learning

A slave's life is mostly composed of patience and study. Yes, study. If not with actual books, then following the example of greater, senior slaves. Or learning every nuance of their owner's character, so that they can more completely and seamlessly offer themselves at the right time and in the right manner. -- Laura Antoniou

#103   + (127) - [X]

Tagged: proverb, flesh

The flesh is aye fairest that's farthest from the bone. -- Scottish Proverb

#107   + (22) - [X]

Tagged: nudge, wink

Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Know what I mean? Say no more. -- Monty Phython's Flying Circus

#216   + (18) - [X]

Tagged: love, voice, silence

Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away; and all the things I want to say can find no voice. Then, in silence, I can only hope my eyes will speak my heart. -- Robert Sexton

#135   + (4) - [X]

Tagged: submission, slavery

Submissives need to be told what to do. Slaves need to do what they are told. -- Unknown

#6   + (50) - [X]

Tagged: master, words, slave

We are the masters of words we've never spoken and the slaves of the ones we have. -- Sandra West Prowell

#35   + (66) - [X]

Tagged: pleasure

One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other. -- Jane Austen

#198   + (2) - [X]

Tagged: submission, masochism, gifts, power exchange

A submissive washing dishes for his dominant, knowing that each soap bubble, each swirl of water is a gift, an honoring, may feel the humming resonance of a hunger, partially satisfied, deep in his spirit. A domme, caught up in the meditative precision of tying each knot precisely *so*, may feel an echo of cathedral walls around her, each motion guiding her, and those around her closer to the God they seek. A masochist, floating in the scintillations of painwaves as the whip falls against her time and time again, may begin to feel their cadence as the cadence of prayer. A hesitant sadist may, with the first hissing of his partner's breath, begin to understand the transformative power he wields with his strap. -- Unknown

#56   + (49) - [X]

Tagged: sticks, stone, excite

Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me. -- Anonymous

#188   + (111) - [X]

Tagged: responsibility, control, trust, worth

To have someone give you control of their bodies and minds,
to be entrusted with the responsibility to take care of them,
to have someone willing to suffer for you,
to forsake pride and dignity to please you...
what other gift in this world can possibility equate to that?
And more importantly, what makes you worthy to receive it? -- Anonymous

#67   + (326) - [X]

Tagged: life, heart, surrender, pain

Sometimes what seems like surrender isn't surrender at all. It's about what's going on in our hearts. About seeing clearly the way life is and accepting it and being true to it, whatever the pain, because the pain of not being true to it is far, far greater. -- Nicholas Evans

#195   + (-2) - [X]

Tagged: submission, ritual, sex, sacrament

The BDSM ritual may be predominantly sexual in expression, however the goal is not gratification per se, but ecstasy. BDSM is, above and beyond a physical need, the psyche's effort to make sex a sacrament. Only through the understanding and acceptance of the sacramental value of submission will slavehood be true. By the same token, of course, it also becomes holy. -- J. Mikael Togneri

#62   + (19) - [X]

Tagged: love, whip

Love well, whip well. -- Benjamin Franklin

#39   + (55) - [X]

Tagged: life, surrender

I could spend my life in this sweet surrender. -- Aerosmith

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