Random Quotes
Only a life lived in the service to others is worth living. -- Albert Einstein
You know what charm is: a way of getting the answer yes without having asked a clear question. -- Albert Camus
Tagged: sex
Sex contains all, bodies, souls,
Meanings, proofs, purities, delicacies, results, promulgations,
Songs, commands, health, pride, the maternal mystery, the seminal milk,
All hopes benefactions, bestowals, all the passions, loves, beauties, delights of the earth. -- Walt Whitman
Tagged: possession, giving
"It's in giving yourself that you possess yourself" -- Louise Andreas-Salomé
Tagged: strength, confidence, time
I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time. -- Anna Freud
The practice of putting women on pedestals began to die out when it was discovered that they could give orders better from there. -- Betty Grable
Tagged: service, worth, price, work, self-sacrifice
For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice--no paper currency, no promises to pay, but the gold of real service. -- John Burroughs
Tagged: cherry trees
I want to do with you
What spring does
With the cherry trees. -- Pablo Neruda
Sexuality is a sacrament. -- Starhawk
Tagged: submission, respect
True Submission & Servitude is not only a form of Respect, but your natural birthright vocation. It is an obligation of servitude, which you are bound to honour your Mistress.
-- Supreme Mistress KajunSometimes, being a bitch is all a woman has. -- Stephen King
Tagged: master, slave, centered
How does a master center a slave? Being centered is a Zen term that means a person is balanced, calm, healthy, peaceful, grounded, nourished. Some might see it as a relaxed state, one of calm, creative, full of the realization of being well-off, in communion with one's self and one's environment… How does a master center a slave? He does it by creating, with his slave, a right relationship, that is, one in which each is free to be him or herself; one with openness, honesty, and clarity of purpose. Centering comes from having a clear focus, mutual support, encouragement, and purpose. -- Jack Rinella
Tagged: d/s
For me, D/s is a graded endeavor. There are definitive levels of achievement. There is an unacceptable level of performance. Effort is not enough to make the grade. -- Sir C
Do not be like servants who serve their masters expecting to receive a reward; be rather like servants who serve their master unconditionally, with no thought of reward. -- Antigonus of Sokho
Tagged: dominance, submission, will
Submission depends on the individual's ability to align his will with that of the dominant and use his intelligence to fulfill her wishes gracefully and efficiently. -- Christina Abernathy
Love well, whip well. -- Benjamin Franklin
Tea! thou soft, thou sober, sage, and venerable liquid,... thou female tongue-running, smile-smoothing, heart-opening, wind-tippling cordial, to whose glorious insipidity I owe the happiest moment of my life, let me fall prostrate. -- ~Colley Cibber, Lady's Last Stake
No lover, if he be of good faith, and sincere, will deny he would prefer to see his mistress dead than unfaithful. -- Marquis De Sade
Tagged: kissing
Some women blush when they are kissed; some call for the police; some swear; some bite; but the worst are those who laugh. -- Anonymous
Sometimes I feel, like I've been tied to the whippin' post.
Oh Lord, I feel like I'm dying.
-- The Allman Brothers
Tagged: life, journey, destiny
The longest journey is the journey inwards. Of him who has chosen his destiny, Who has started upon his quest for the source of his being. -- Dag Hammarskjold
Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. -- Robert Heinlein
Tagged: sex, promiscuity
What is a promiscuous person? It's usually someone who is getting more sex than you are. -- Victor Lownes
I regret to say that we of the FBI are powerless to act in cases of oral-genital intimacy, unless it has in some way obstructed interstate commerce. -- J. Edgar Hoover
Tagged: masochism, sadism, transformation
In the absence of light there is only darkness and in the eyes of a True Sadist pleasure and pain are one in same. It is through pain that the True Sadist is Born and thrives, be it through the creation of physical, emotional. It is in this that One finds Their greatest joy. It is though the discovery of the pleasure of pain, the knowlage that it is His pleasure that a masochist is born and thrives. With Me, Sadism is not an area where there is grey, things are either black or white -- DarkSadistLust
Tagged: master, needs, bottom, slave
Bottoms have appetites that are their own, whereas slaves' needs become the same as those of the Master. -- Guy Baldwin
No one but a woman in love ever sees the maximum of men's greatness. -- Anais Nin
Tagged: beauty
Beauty isn't everything! But then what is? -- Sanford Wilson
Tagged: whipping
Whipping is fifty percent show and noise. -- Anne Rice
Tagged: slavery, study, patience, learning
A slave's life is mostly composed of patience and study. Yes, study. If not with actual books, then following the example of greater, senior slaves. Or learning every nuance of their owner's character, so that they can more completely and seamlessly offer themselves at the right time and in the right manner. -- Laura Antoniou
Tagged: sex, erotic, life, force
We tend to think of the erotic as an easy, tantalizing sexual arousal. I speak of the erotic as the deepest life force, a force which moves us toward living in a fundamental way. -- Audre Lorde
...the most beautiful part of her was the long-sloping fall of the haunches from the socket of the back, and then slumberous round stillness of the buttocks. Like hillocks of sand the Arabs say, soft and downward-slipping with a long slope -- D.H. Lawrence
To be sensual, I think, is to respect and rejoice in the force of life, of life itself and so to be present in all that one does, from the effort of loving to the breaking of bread. -- James Baldwin
Tagged: pleasure, surrender, violence
One must do violence to the object of one's desire; when it surrenders, the pleasure is greater. -- Marquis De Sade
There's a fine line between pleasure and pain. Love me like a ball and chain. -- Brian Setzer
Tagged: whips, rhyme, chains, excitement, affection
Sticks and Stones may break my bones but Whips and Chains excite me. So slam me up and throw me down and show me that you like me! -- Unknown
Instead of complaining that rose bushes have thorns, rejoice that thorn bushes bloom. -- Unknown
The slave escapes her bonds to find a stronger set of chains. -- Anonymous
Tagged: dominance, consent, bottom, job
The number one job of the dominant is to continually seduce consent
from the bottom. -- Joseph Bean
The very instant that I saw you, did my heart fly to Your service; there resides, To make me slave to it; and for Your sake... -- William Shakespeare
Tagged: sexuality
Sexuality is not a leisure or part-time activity. It is a way of being. -- Alexander Lowen
Tagged: spanking, torture, poetry
Look, if you want to torture me, spank me, lick me, do it. But if this poetry shit continues just shoot me now please. -- Lori Petty
Tagged: woman, man, clothes, fantasies
What a man enjoys about a woman's clothes are his fantasies of how she would look without them. -- Brendan Francis
Tagged: submission, bondage
I'm not averse to being tied up - I like a man to take charge. There's something very sexy about being submissive. -- Eva Longoria
Tagged: submission, slavery
Submissives need to be told what to do. Slaves need to do what they are told. -- Unknown
Any man that can't find what he is looking for in a thousand women is really looking for a boy. -- Gershon Legman
Tagged: submission, domination
Submission without domination is when you keep doing what he wants even after he keeps insisting he doesn't want it. Domination without submission is when he keeps telling you to do something and you keep telling him to fuck off. -- Linda
Tagged: bondage
If ever thou be'st bound in thy scarf and beaten, thou shalt find what it is to be proud of thy bondage. -- William Shakespeare
Tagged: dream, mysterious
A man doesn't dream about a woman because he thinks her "mysterious"; he decides that she is "mysterious" to justify his dreaming of her. -- Henri de Montherlant
Tagged: slavery, path, crawling
The path to slavery is so narrow that two cannot walk upon it at the same time, hence why the slave must crawl behind. -- Unknown