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Presentation 4: Standing at the Ready

Author: Norische

Filed in: training

When training in any form, the first thing that the slave must understand is that each owner is unique. Hence, the requirements of the owner are unique as well. However there are several basic positions that are common through out the BDSM realm. Each owner may have a modified version of a position that they prefer, or they may call the position by a different name. The position "Standing At The Ready" is one that I find to be the most basic, and hence the first
position that I train.

This position is used when a slave is waiting for instructions or waiting to serve. This position is proper to use both privately as well as publicly.

For this position the slave should be standing.

Feet: Feet should be approximately shoulder width apart.

Legs: Legs should be kept strait but not stiff.

Back: Back should be strait, not bowed or slouching.

Chest: The chest should be high and thrust forward.

Arms: Arms should be at the side, bent at the elbow, with the hands behind the back.

Hands: Hands should be behind the back, resting in the small of the back, with the right hand holding onto the left wrist, left hand may be relaxed but not closed.

Head: Head should be strait at a 45-degree level.

Eyes: Eyes should be forward and level. An alteration to this would be to have the slave keeping the owner in sight at all times, waiting for any sign that they services are required.

If there is a medical reason, such as arthritis in the shoulders, that a slave cannot perform this position as described a modified version is acceptable to meet medical needs.


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