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Speech Training 12: Language Limitations - Vulgar or Disrespectful Language

Author: Norische

Filed in: training, speech

I will simply state that most Owners prefer that vulgar or socially inappropriate language be illuminated from the common vocabulary of the slave. I find that it is rare that an owner enjoys a slave to use racial slander, or profanity.

It is appropriate for all slaves to consider racial slang, commonly considered profane words, and jargon as undesirable and make every attempt to remove them from the standards of speech.

Disrespectful language can be described as any word, phrase, tone or inflection that the Owner views as disrespectful or inappropriate. Due to the wide range of interpretation on this general definition it is best for a slave to go by the basic standards put down by his or her own Owner.

Some general examples of disrespectful language…

Some Owners restrict the word "No."

Not using appropriate titles may also be view as disrespectful.

Phrases such as "Yeah…", "Whatever…", "Bite Me…", "Ah huh…", and "Yup…" can also be viewed as disrespectful.

Whining, grumbling, mumbling and raising ones voice is also considered disrespectful.

Using a language that is not understood by all present is also considered rude and disrespectful, unless of course you do not know how to speak the language they use as a primary language. Example: Speaking Cantonese when the common language is French would be inappropriate; unless of course you cannot speak French, and then my personal preference is that the slave should remain silent.

If a phrase or word is considered inappropriate, rude or disrespectful by the Owner the word should immediately be monitored, and removed from the slave's vocabulary without question.

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